Monday, October 17, 2016

Week Seven: The Tale of Spiritual Education

The black and white stripe tents suddenly appeared in town waiting for the night to come and when the time has come, then it’s Le Cirque des Rêves or the Circus of Dreams time. That’s the beginning of the story Erin Morgenstern had created. I think the way she described the scenes and everything in Night Circus are amazing. It makes me feel like I am a person who is standing in the crowd, waiting to see what kind of circus opens only at night and closes at dawn. While standing there, the smell of caramel wafting through my nose. When the tents and lights are all sparkling against the night sky, it’s the time for the show to start and then, found out that this circus is neither a normal circus nor normal show.

            Celia and Marco are the main characters of the story. They are forced to play the cruel game by their respective master. The rule of the game is that the person who is able to survive is the winner. Celia and Marco have to compete each other with magic but neither of them knows or understands the rule. In my opinion, it’s very unfair for Celia and Marco and they can’t even refuse to play the game. When they found out that one of them have to die to end the game, neither of them wants to kill or see one of them getting hurts, they are in love with each other. So the solution is trying to find the way out of this game. This part of the story teaches the reader what is right and the characters know what the right thing to do is. They are also brave enough to do it. This is similar to Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, the main characters; Harry, Ron and Hermione. They know what is right and they fight for it, no matter how dangerous it is.

            Even though Celia and Marco are young, they choose to do the right thing without fear and if we look back at both Night Circus and Harry Potter, we will see how mature and brave the characters are, age doesn’t matter. Sometimes, adults are the one who use children as the tools to do what they want. Night Circus doesn’t teach this moral to only young adults but it is reflecting and teaching the adults themselves to rethink about what they are doing, whether it is right or wrong.

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